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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our Baby Boy is here!!!!!!!!

36 Week Belly Picture

My 36 week Belly Picture

Total Gained so far 11.6 lbs

*Tuesday June 29th

So we spent all day at the doctor.

After talking about delivery and how I was doing the doctor called back that night and sent us

5 1/2 hours away to DR. Brown at the University of Washington.

*Wednesday June 30th

Spent all morning in the car. Taylin did so well.

*Thursday July 1st

After I feel I had seen about 100 doctors. We decided that we needed to deliver Dallin. Well nothing goes perfect right. Expecting around a 3:30 delivery. Before I could delivery they gave me a platelet transfusion. They took me back at 10:30pm . After a while my spinal failed to work. Can I say that is the most pain ever. I mean I know pain and it was horrible. They ended up kicking Gary out and they had to put me under.

Dallin Gary Brundage

Born July 1st, 2011

6lbs 11oz

20 inches

light brown hair

After touch and go for me and a yet again a failed nerve block. we made it to the morning. Mom thanks for being there for Gary on the phone.

The nurse took some pictures for us.

We are hanging in their and should be home by the coming weekend I hope. With Dallin being 4 weeks early and my crazy body we get grace the hospital halls bruises and all.


Kaylee said...

I'm so glad he got here safe and that you're starting to feel better. Wish I was there to help.

Gordon and Robyn said...

Congratulations on Dallin's arrival. I'm glad that it all turned out well. Good luck with the recovery and everything. He is a cute little cutie :)

We miss you in the neighborhood!

Christina said...

Traci! It's Christina from ServiceMaster. I have been trying to get back in touch with you and was so amazed to stumble upon your blog. I already tried leaving a comment, but it seemed to be unsuccessful at first. You are such a beautiful mama- I can't believe you have two gorgeous children! CONGRATS! Pretty please e mail me when you get a chance: