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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Update on my life so far this year...

So these past couple have months have been crazy. I am still not working but it has turned out to be a blessing for me and my health. The last part of Feb. early March I had a not so fun stay in the Hospital at the University of Utah. I spent a bit of time in ICU and then just the normal area. Total 6 1/2 days. It was supposed to be just over night. Well I am grateful for it though I am finally getting my arm taken care of. I head off for my next surgery April 6Th then just 5 left Doctor's say. The longest process was the Disability applications. I love Gary so much he spent over 8 hours online submitting everything. I love him so much now that's dedication. I am so lucky.
One of my Favorite things this past few months was going to the open house of the Draper Utah Temple with my whole Brundage side of the Family. Thanks to Gary's Family. I am so lucky to have them.