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Friday, March 4, 2011

The results are in.....

Taylin couldn't wait for the doctors either could I.
We had Aunt Tammi I think was just ask excited
as I was. We love you.
Taylin was a pain while we were at the ultrasound office.
Well our little one must have known a sister was going crazy
because 2 seconds into it we got a wide open view.
and the results are
Boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are so excited. Grandpa Brundage is so excited because
the family name is being passed on. Our little guy is 10 oz so far
and the couldn't estimate the length but the doctor and tech
commented on how long he was. Taylin was 21 3/4 when she
was born so I expected that. We went tonight to children's Place
and Gary picked out a few outfits for.
Calvin Gary Brundage


Mom said...

A little Brother for Taylin how exciting!

Kaylee said...

Yay! We need more boys around here! I'm going shopping for you too!!